Land North Of Bicester Avenue Garden Centre
Oxford Road
14th July 2024

Land North Of Bicester Avenue Garden Centre Oxford Road Bicester


Reserved matters approval for 23/01080/OUT - Details of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale relating to the proposed development of a Class E(g)(i) (formerly B1(a)) office/commercial building and associated development, plus associated car parking

Our Response

Bicester Bike Users' Group (BBUG) remains concerned about this application. There has been no engagement by the applicant with BBUG at any stage, and no reference to the Bicester LCWIP (2023 update).

The Bicester LCWIP specifies a crucial link between Lakeview Drive and Graven Hill (BR18) to connect West and South-west Bicester, two areas that are currently inaccessible by foot or bike. As such, the link on the application should be shown as reserved so that a pedestrian and cycle path may be delivered here.

The pedestrian entranced should be widened to provide for both pedestrian and cycle access, given that it will inevitably be used by cyclists in preference to pedalling the long way round in motor vehicle traffic.

The bike parking should be located adjacent to the building entrance to provide accessibility and security, particularly given the advent of more expensive electric bikes. Currently it is located away from the entrance, hidden behind some bins. It would be preferable to replace some of the vehicle parking at the front of the building with cycle parking. Double stacked bike parking is also not recommended because of its inaccessibility. Single stacked bike parking would be better.

The shared path to the south of the o+ ice block looks useful to provide pedestrian and bicycle connectability, but the surface appears to be gravel or other less accessible material. This will only be safe for mountain bikes. A properly bound surface material would be preferable. In addition, this route is likely to provide access from the south / Wendlebury / the Park and Ride site, so cycle permeability would be advisable.