Os Parcel 6124 East Of Baynards Green Farm
Street To Horwell Farm
Baynards Green
24th October 2023

Os Parcel 6124 East Of Baynards Green Farm Street To Horwell Farm Baynards Green


Application for outline planning permission (all matters reserved except means of access (not internal roads) from B4100) for the erection of buildings comprising logistics (use class B8) and ancillary offices (use class e(g)(i)) floorspace; energy centre, hgv parking, construction of new site access from the B4100; creation of internal roads and access routes; hard and soft landscaping; the construction of parking and servicing areas; substations and other associated infrastructure.

Our Response

Given the location outside Bicester, this application would not normally come within the remit of Bicester Bike Users’ Group (BBUG). However, given the scale of the development and its proximity to the town, we consider that it would be well within easy cycle commuting distance of Bicester, particularly given the increasing use of e-bikes.

We would therefore expect that funding for a cycle link between the development and Bicester town would be delivered, in a similar way to the Siemens development on the A41 outside Bicester. This might entail some compromises at some points where the highway land is limited, but these are matters that can be worked out through detailed design.

We also have serious concerns about the design of the access roundabout which, as currently conceived, is completely unsuitable for walking and cycling and would serve to exclude almost all potential pedestrians and cyclists as well as posing serious safety risks. We would expect to see segregated pedestrian and cycle paths, horizontal buffers from the motor vehicle traffic, and priority crossings for active travel over each arm, such as parallel or toucan crossings (depending on design speeds).

Controlled crossing upgrades would also be required at the Baynards Green roundabout to ensure safe and convenient connections for those arriving by foot or by bike from other directions.

We would also draw the attention of OCC development control and the planning officer to the relevant guidance provide by Active Travel England.