Jenny's Story
25th July 2020

Jenny's Story

So what has COVID-19 done for me...?

In some ways, quite a lot but a lovely example is that is has allowed me the time and probably more importantly, the energy to slow life down a little and get back on my bike.

When I say ‘allowed’ what I actually mean is that as I’m stuck in the house with my lovely teenage girls (Emily 17 and Molly 15), I finally gave in to them begging me to go out for a ride with them alongside our Working Cocker Spaniel, Chip.

Since moving to the Elmsbrook Eco Community in August 2019, I am sad to admit that I hadn’t been out on my bike and had actually lost my confidence. For some reason it seemed like a big deal to get back on it again.....wobbling (in more ways than one!) and looking like a bit of a plonka!


This is especially hard to admit as I’m now living in an ‘Eco’ community and ‘should’ be doing the right thing. However, my normal commute to work of around 110 miles and busy family life felt like there was never enough time or energy to get on my bike for errands or exercise or just pleasure.

Thankfully my girls grinding down my resistance to going for a ride has actually brought me so much pleasure doing this time of ‘lockdown’. We have had so much fun on our daily rides, enjoying the sunshine, enjoying our time together, getting a little exercise and having some much needed giggles (normally at my expense).

Now, the joy of our daily rides did hit a bump (or pothole?) in the road when I got a very wobbly front wheel, slow puncture and dodgy gears. For a number of days, I was housebound and missed out on the rides with the girls......and actually I really, really missed them.

Luckily, there is a super kind and generous chap called George (chair of BicesterBUG)  who put a message out on our Community Facebook page, with the offer of helping anyone that had started to use their bike again but had some niggles or issues with it.

Dutifully following all rules around social distancing, I duly dropped my bike off with George, he did a Gold Standard complete service of my bike and dropped it back on my doorstep three hours later.  What a hero! 

So, thank you COVID-19, you have given me time to spend with my girls, they forced me back on my bike, my confidence is starting to return (slowly!) and I have met another fabulous neighbour in our community that has willingly given his time to help keep me cycling.

A little silver lining in these challenging times....
